Indian Institute of Technology has issued the latest notification for the recruitment of 2022. Applications are invited for the post of Officer. Other details like Education Qualification Details, Required Age Limit, Mode Of selection, Fee Details, and How to Apply are given below…

Organization: Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore)
Type of Employment: Central Govt Jobs
No.of Vacancies: Various
Job Location: Indore – Madhya Pradesh
Post Name: Executive Officer
Official Website:
Applying Mode: Email
Last Date: 26.05.2023
Details Of Vacancies:
- Executive Officer
Qualification Details:
- The candidates must have passed a Master’s degree in science & Engineering i.e., M. Tech./M.E./M. Pharma/M. Sc with 5 years in the handling of research projects/ management of research facilities in educational institutions or industry or the equivalent from a recognized Board.
Required Age Limit:
- Maximum Age: 45 years
Salary Package:
- Rs.60,000/- to 68,000/-
Mode of Selection:
- Interview
Steps to Apply in Email Mode:
- Log on to the official website
- Interested candidates must send an email detailed resume in the specified format to
Important Instructions:
- Before Applying, Candidates go through the instructions given in the notification very carefully.
- Candidates should attach scanned documents of the self-attested certificates and proofs along with a CV/Application file as per the requirement of employment.
- E-mails received after the due date, will not be considered.
Focusing Dates:
- Application Submission Date: 24.04.2023 to 26.05.2023
Official Links:
- Official Notification Link: Click Here