Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) has issued the latest notification for the recruitment of 2023. Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow. Other details like Education Qualification Details, Required Age Limit, Mode Of selection, Fee Details, and How to Apply are given below…

Organization: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU)
Type of Employment: Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs
No.of Vacancies: Various
Job Location: Coimbatore
Post Name: Junior Research Fellow
Official Website: www.tnau.ac.in
Applying Mode: Walk-In-Interview
Last Date: 17.05.2023
Details of Vacancies:
- Junior Research Fellow – 01
- Research Associate – 01
- Senior Research Fellow – 01
Qualification Details:
(i) Junior Research Fellow :
- Candidates must have passed Bachelor’s Degree, B.Sc. in Agri., Horti., Forestry, Home Science. B.Tech. in Agrl. Engg., Biotech, Bio-informatics, FPE, EEE, etc., or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Research Associate :
- Candidates must have passed a Ph.D. (Agri.) in Agricultural Meteorology, Environmental Science, Plant Breeding, and Genetics or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(iii) Senior Research Fellow :
- Candidates must have passed M.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering from SAUs or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University
Required Age Limit:
- Refer to the official notification
Salary Package:
- Rs.20,000 – 49, 000/-
Mode of Selection:
- Interview
Steps to Apply For Walk-in Mode:
- Log on to the official website www.tnau.ac.in
- Candidates can download the application form from the given link below.
- Fill out the application form with the required details.
- Candidates are to reach the walk-in-venue along with all required documents.
The Dean,
Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute,
Important Instructions:
- Before Applying, Candidates go through the instructions given in the notification very carefully.
- Candidates are advised to reach the interview venue before the reporting time with the proper dress along with all required original documents (educational qualification certificates, ID Proof, etc) & attested copies of certificates as specified in the official notification.
- Candidate’s Recent Passport size photographs. (if required)
Focusing Dates:
- Dates & Time of walk-in interview (Junior Research Fellow): 09.05.2023 at 09.30 a.m.
- Dates & Time of walk-in interview (Research Associate): 11.05.2023 at 09.30 a.m.
- Dates & Time of walk-in interview (Senior Research Fellow): 17.05.2023 at 09.30 a.m.
Official Links:
- Official Notification & Application Form: Click Here